Gig Info:

Date: 19.08.1998 Location: Rugby Club, Ruthin, Wales/UK

The UK tour! - prepearing for London the other day. Great partylike gig in Chris's home town.

Turn off the lights, turn up the volume. It must be the Rugby Club. East meets west in North Wales. With a burst of sound in the shape of the new psychotic opener ‘The world of Sevenhead’ the gig exploded into life. Junkies in the audience, the mood high and rising. The band heavily doped on fresh air crashed through the trippier side of their repertoire. ‘BBC-TV’, ‘Planet Sphere’, ‘Arthur’ and of course ‘Come Down’ were the muso’s muse this evening. The crowd dug the scene, the energy was rolling. Fish and Chips Baby. A full scale reunion of the mind. Highs: Special offer beer, band and Rugby Club drinkers, George walked into a parked trailer, audience energy, the dancers on ‘Come Down’; Lows: George collapsed on a table – Coke and red wine, no Marco Powers light show.

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